Girls Tomorrow Isn't Guaranteed - Take Advantage of Today
Would you postpone your tasks today for tomorrow? Why? Many uncertain circumstances could derail you tomorrow. Please take advantage of today and utilize it well. For more insights, read on. You should make two lists of work and household chores and carry them with you as a must.
While at work, if you have crossed out only a few on your list, figure out the best way to accomplish them all. Make a few phone calls to your colleagues in your department and delegate tasks to them. You don't have to do everything yourself. Work out a list of tasks for each delegated colleague, detailing and explaining them by working one hour of overtime.
When you drive home, you can cover one or two household chores such as getting groceries or a medicine stock.
When you reach home, cook and have dinner with family, try to relax and be gentle to everybody, listen to their stories, suggest solutions for any problems, joke around, and close the dinner.
If you feel too tired, take a short nap with soothing and melodious music playing. After an hour, get up, and clean the kitchen and the backyard. If there are any more household tasks, finish them with vigor. You just took a nap, so you must be fresh and thinking clearly.
If you tutor your children with their homework, do that. If you find this an added burden, you can hire a tutor for them and enjoy some "me time."
It would be best to have a conversation with your hubby, keeping each other updated with tasks, day's events, and family budget and expenditure. You can end the conversation on a lighter note, thinking of taking a vacation this year or conceiving another child, or throwing a party with friends, and the list goes on.
Before heading for bed, try to read a hardcopy book - fiction or self-help book, whichever you enjoy. When your eyes are too tired and can no longer grasp the text, switch off the lights and sleep.
This is how you take complete advantage of today. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed because you may hear about someone close passing away or your child falls off the swing at school and is hurt, and you have to take her to the hospital, or simply, it's snowy weather. So would you be glad the next day that you fully utilized today? Follow this trick every day, and you will thrive happily and victoriously. Gotcha?
Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels
1 comment
Absolutely!! Thanks Jen!